We are pleased to announce that Church Of Pentecost is open for in-person church service.
We have begun opening in phases, with the current phase being two Sunday services, and no Wednesday service.
We will be taking precautions to make available appropriate seating space between families and practicing social distancing, and if you wish to wear a mask please feel free to do so.
The sermon video will still be made available online so you can still be connected remotely if you are unable to attend church at this time.
We recognize that our state is reopening in phases and that is not only in business but also on a personal level as the virus affects us in different ways.
Please join us in covering our entire body of Christ in prayer and know that we support you and your decisions for your safety in this time.
Safety Measures
- Any persons known to have had any contact with known COVID-19 confirmed cases should self-quarantine for the period recommended by the CDC
- High-risk individuals are advised not to attend the in-person service
- Prior to and following any in-person service, the facility will be sanitized
- Attendees are advised that, if they choose, they may wear masks and/or gloves
- Attendees are advised not to engage in hand shaking or other physical contact
- Hand sanitizer will be available for use throughout the facility
- In pews and designated sitting areas, congregants are advised to sit at least six feet apart before, during, and after the worship service
- The altar area has been marked for social distancing
- Families may sit closer together but otherwise social distancing should be used
- Selected points of entry and exit will be directed, establishing a flowing traffic pattern
- Doors will be propped open or held open by ushers/greeters to prevent the need for congregants to touch doors while entering and exiting the church or sanctuary, entry doors weather permitting
- Regarding small children where social distancing would be difficult to maintain, we will ask the children always be with their parent(s) or guardian(s).