Mid Winter is a winter youth retreat where we come together to bring in the year with Jesus. Come ready to be refreshed and encourage one another in the Lord. We will have a great time at the services.
This is an overnight event located in Grove City, Ohio. Your ticket purchase includes…
- Event Registrations
- Hotel Accommodations
- Travel Expenses
Total event cost – $85
Late Registration – $100 (After Jan 22nd)
Event Itinerary:
6:00 pm Registration
6:15 pm Pre-service promotions
7:00 pm General session
11:30 pm After-event at Scene 75
Registration includes: Unlimited attractions, $20 game card, and pizza; 11:30pm to 1:30am
10:00 am Jumpstart (Jr & Sr High)
Other sessions: Youth Workers, Young Ministers, Youth workers, Hyphen, Ministers kids.
11:00 am General Session
See Bro Nick & Sis Chrissie for more questions.